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SolarEdge SMRT-HOT-WTR-50-S1 - 5.0kW Inteligentna energia Ciepła woda

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SolarEdge SMRT-HOT-WTR-50-S1 is a wireless controller that uses excess photovoltaic energy to provide hot water and energy storage.The two products are designed to automatically use excess energy from the photovoltaic system to increase the use of solar energy, thereby helping to reduce electricity bills and increase energy independence.The Smart Energy product line combines PV power generation, storage device management and home automation under the control of a single SolarEdge inverter.Features: Can be integrated with all SolarEdge inverters and monitoring platform; The Smart Energy thermal storage controller varies the power according to the excess of available photovoltaic energy; Integrated water tank energy consumption meter; Simple wall mounting; Wireless communication with the inverter; Only suitable for powering resistive loads.

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