Solar Edge SE25K

Solar Edge SE25K

7375,45 zł +VAT
1725,00 €
1 szt.
7375,45 zł +VAT
1725,00 €
1 ×
1725,00 € +VAT
(1 szt.)
Oferta od dostawcy:
Zaloguj się, aby zobaczyć dane dostawcy
Kraj wysyłki:
Wysyłka do:
+26 więcej
Czas wysyłki:
7 dni
Metody płatności:
Przelew bankowy
  • Fixed voltage inverter for superior efficiency (98.3%) and longer strings  

  • Quick and easy inverter commissioning directly from a smartphone using the SolarEdge SetApp

  • Small, lightest in its class, and easy to install

  • Integrated-type 2 DC surge protection, to better withstand surges caused by lightning or other events

  • Optional RS485 and type 2 AC surge protection

  • Built-in module-level monitoring with Ethernet, wireless or cellular communication for full system visibility

  • Advanced safety features - integrated arc fault protection and optional rapid shutdown

  • IP65 for outdoor and indoor installations

  • Optional integrated DC Safety Unit - eliminates the need for external DC isolators

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