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SE10K RW0TEBEN4 Energy Net 3F SolarEdge

SE10K RW0TEBEN4 Energy Net 3F SolarEdge

SE3K-10K Three Phase Home Inverter for Europe
  • Producent: SolarEdge
  • Nominalna moc prądu przemiennego: 10000 W
  • Wydajność euro: 97.6 %
  • Maksymalna wydajność: 98 %
  • Series: SE3K-10K Three Phase Home Inverter for Europe
Porównaj 15 ofert
Cena od
3847,14 zł
7357,00 zł +VAT
1 szt.
7357,00 zł +VAT
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7357,00 zł +VAT
(1 szt.)
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SolarEdge10K RW0TEBEN4 has been updated to reflect future web compatibility Energy Net .This update ensures that the new communication protocol will wirelessly connect SolarEdge devices to each other.For example, inverters, meters and smart energy products.

SolarEdge inverters target a wide range of energy market segments with a diverse offering, making it an attractive choice for any customer.The products of this brand are characterized by high efficiency, easy installation and as much as12-letnią standard warranty with an option to extend to20 or25 years.

Three-phase inverter SolarEdgeSE10K combines advanced digital control technology with efficient power conversion technology to achieve the highest level of solar harvesting and best-in-class reliability.The technology used in this product ensures that the inverter always operates with the optimal input voltage, regardless of the number of modules in the string or environmental conditions.

SolarEdgeSE10K is a three-phase inverter that is perfect for rooftop installations and small or medium-sized photovoltaic power plants.It can also be installed outside the building.

Energy Net

Accelerate your PV installations with SolarEdge Energy Net, SolarEdge's wireless distributed network that seamlessly connects power generation devices, loads, and smart accessories in the energy management ecosystem.Thanks to the distributed topology of the Energy Net network, it enables a greater transmission range and more robust and reliable communication for all system devices.

Energy Net currently supports the following SolarEdge products:

  • SolarEdge Energy Bank

  • SolarEdge Home Direct Meter

Distinguishing features of the product:

  • Maximum Efficiency:98%

  • Specially designed to work with power optimizers

  • Constant voltage inverter for longer strings

  • Control with an intelligent energy management system

  • Ambient temperature range:-40 -+60°C

Operation and installation:

  • Small, lightest in its class, easy to install

  • Integrated module-level monitoring

  • Communication via (Wi-Fi - antenna required),RS485 or Ethernet as standard and ZigBee (optional), cellular network (optional)

  • Level of security:IP65

  • Compatibility with PVSol

  • Polish-language technical support

  • Wymiary: 315x 540 x191 mm


  • Quickly and easily commission the inverter directly from your smartphone with the SolarEdge SetApp

  • Advanced safety features including integrated arc fault protection

  • LED indication

  • No external fan - noise level(<40 dB) adapted to work at home

  • Mass:16,4 kg

  • 12-letnia guarantee

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