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Inverter Sofar 6.6KTL-X

Inverter Sofar 6.6KTL-X

Sofar Solar
Sofar Solar
Kod producenta
Sofar 6.6KTL-X
2798,85 zł +VAT
648,89 €
1 szt.
2798,85 zł +VAT
648,89 €
1 ×
648,89 € +VAT
(1 szt.)
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Czas wysyłki:
2 dni
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Sofar Solar
Kod producenta
Sofar 6.6KTL-X

Wi-Fi included

DC Switch integrated

Built-in DRM port and logic

Max. efficiency up to 98.0%

Large 4-inch LCD

Smart monitoring, RS485, WiFi / Ethernet / GPRS (optional)

Over/ under voltage, over current, over temperature, anti-islanding and other multiple protections

Compact three-phase inverter for residential PV systems

The SOFAR 3.3K...12KTL-X inverter series is the SofarSolar’s most popular 3-phase inverter. It comes with two MPP trackers and it's eight different power classes makes the inverter the perfect fit for all types of residential PV installations.

The inverter has 4 digital inputs ports and a CT input port for power control, enabling an easy configuration to meet the grid codes in many countries.

A WiFi-stick is delivered with the inverter, to easily connect the inverter to the Sofar monitoring portal.

  • Product type: Inverter
  • Manufacturer: Sofar Solar
  • Model: Sofar 6.6KTL-X
  • Inverter type: Standard
  • Output power (kW): 6
  • Max input power (kW): 8.78
  • Max input voltage (V): 1000
  • Max input current (A): 11 / 11
  • Input voltage range (V): 160 - 960
  • MPPT number: 2
  • Phase number: 3
  • Protection degree: IP65
  • Operating temperature (C): -25 / +60
  • Max efficiency percent: 98.0
  • European efficiency percent: 97.5
  • Warranty (years): 10
  • Warranty extensions: Contact us for details
  • Item size LxWxH (mm): 457 x 452 x 202
  • Item weight (kg): 21

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