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Inverter Fronius Symo 5.0-3-M Light

Inverter Fronius Symo 5.0-3-M Light

Kod producenta
Symo 5.0-3-M Light
3497,04 zł +VAT
808,26 €
1 szt.
3497,04 zł +VAT
808,26 €
1 ×
808,26 € +VAT
(1 szt.)
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Kod producenta
Symo 5.0-3-M Light

This is the "light" version of the product. Fronius SnapINverter Light generation comes without the Data Manager. For more details please see "Interfaces" section of the model datasheet.

SnapINverter technology

Integrated data communication

SuperFlex Design

Dynamic Peak Manager

Smart Grid Ready

Zero feed-in

With power categories ranging from 3.0 to 20.0 kW, the transformerless Fronius Symo is the three-phase inverter for systems of every size. Owing to the SuperFlex Design, the Fronius Symo is the perfect answer to irregularly shaped or multi-oriented roofs.

The standard interface to the internet via WLAN or Ethernet and the ease of integration of third-party components make the Fronius Symo one of the most communicative inverters on the market. Furthermore, the meter interface permits dynamic feed-in management and a clear visualisation of the consumption overview.

  • Product type: Inverter
  • Manufacturer: Fronius
  • Model: Symo 5.0-3-M Light
  • Inverter type: Standard
  • Output power (kW): 5
  • Max input power (kW): 10
  • Max input voltage (V): 1000
  • Max input current (A): 16 / 16
  • Input voltage range (V): 150 - 1000
  • MPPT number: 2
  • Phase number: 3
  • Protection degree: IP65
  • Operating temperature (C): -25 / +60
  • Max efficiency percent: 98.0
  • European efficiency percent: 97.3
  • Warranty (years): 5 (optional up to 20)
  • Warranty extensions: Contact us for details
  • Item size LxWxH (mm): 645 x 431 x 204
  • Item weight (kg): 19.9

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