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Huawei SUN 2000-25KTL-M5-HC (high current)

Huawei SUN 2000-25KTL-M5-HC (high current)

  • Producent: Huawei
  • Nominalna moc prądu przemiennego: 25000 W
  • Wydajność euro: 98.2 %
  • Maksymalna wydajność: 98.4 %
  • Series: SUN2000-12/15/17/20/25KTL-M5
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4879,43 zł
8231,16 zł +VAT
1923,08 €
1 szt.
8231,16 zł +VAT
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1923,08 € +VAT
(1 szt.)
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merXu Protected Payments
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Kod producenta
SPD (ochronniki)
Typ II 2 szt.
komunikacja z siecią
RS485 / WLAN / Ethernet
10 lat

Huawei SUN 2000-25KTL-M5-HC (high current)


Huawei Sun2000-25KTL-M5-HC is a technologically advanced 20kW three-phase inverter for photovoltaic systems. It is equipped with two independent MPPT circuits, which guarantee efficient and stable operation of the system during variable weather conditions, and the maximum efficiency of 98.4% allows full utilization of the energy generated by PV panels.


The model, which is available in a high-current version, is capable of handling most of the solar panels available on the market, providing great flexibility and system efficiency. The Sun2000-20KTL-M5-HC inverter also offers the ability to expand functionality with power optimizers, which can increase the energy yield of a photovoltaic installation by up to 30%.


Huawei's inverter also features easy battery connection via an easy-to-use plug-and-play interface. This makes it possible to store excess energy generated by the photovoltaic system and use it at a later time. Using such a solution allows you to optimize energy consumption and maximize the benefits of having a photovoltaic system.


Operation and installation of a three-phase inverter

Installation and operation of the Huawei Sun2000-20KTL-M5-HC inverter is simple and intuitive, making it much easier to manage a photovoltaic system. In addition, the device is easy to install and remove, and built-in safety features guarantee maximum safety during the operating period.


The inverter is equipped with Type II surge protection on the AC and DC sides, as well as overcurrent and short-circuit protection on the AC side. In turn, communication with the inverter is possible via various interfaces, such as RS485, LAN/WLAN, or LTE network via Smart Dongle.



-Network type: 3-phase,

-AC rated power: 20 kVA,

-Input voltage range: 200-1000 V,

-Starting voltage:200 V,

-DC rated input voltage: 600 V,

-Number of MPPT trackers: 2,

-DC connection: MC4,

-Topology: trafolos,

-Communication: RS485, WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE; 4G / 3G / 2G via Smart Dongle-4G (optional),

-Protection class: IP 66,

-Dimensions: 546 x 460 x 228 mm,

-Weight: 21 kg.

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