Fronius Symo GEN24 6.0 Plus

Fronius Symo GEN24 6.0 Plus

Fronius Symo GEN24 Plus
  • Producent: Fronius
  • Nominalna moc prądu przemiennego: 6000 W
  • Liczba faz: Trzy
  • Liczba MPPT: 2
  • Series: Fronius Symo GEN24 Plus
Porównaj 25 ofert
Cena od
6972,41 zł
8560,36 zł +VAT
2000,00 €
1 szt.
8560,36 zł +VAT
2000,00 €
1 ×
2000,00 € +VAT
(1 szt.)
Oferta od dostawcy:
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Kraj wysyłki:
Wysyłka do:
+26 więcej
Metody płatności:
Przelew bankowy
Kod producenta
Symo Gen24 6.0
Nominalny prąd przemienny
1 A

The Fronius Symo GEN24 Plus is the ideal hybrid inverter for residential applications.
It has a power range of 3.0 up to 10.0 kW (three phase).
With its numerous integrated features, it covers all customer requirements.
The GEN24 Plus leaves nothing to be desired: Countless features like energy management functions, included WiFi connection, ethernet and very easy integration of 3rd party components. Particularly with regard to backup concepts (PV Point, Full Backup), it provides the highest degree of supply reliability during grid failures.

In regards to batteries, you have the possibility to use BYD HVM/HVS batteries at the moment.

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