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Falownik hybrydowy HYD15KTL-3PH 3F Sofar

Falownik hybrydowy HYD15KTL-3PH 3F Sofar

Sofar Solar
  • Producent: Sofar Solar
  • Nominalna moc prądu przemiennego: 15000 W
  • Liczba faz: Trzy
  • Liczba MPPT: 2
  • Series: HYD 5K~20KTL-3PH
Porównaj 22 oferty
Cena od
6844,01 zł
8265,03 zł +VAT
1931,00 €
1 ×
1931,00 € +VAT
(1 szt.)
cena podstawowa
8265,03 zł
1 szt.
6+ szt.
8132,34 zł
1 szt.
10+ szt.
8046,74 zł
1 szt.
Oferta od dostawcy:
Zaloguj się, aby zobaczyć dane dostawcy
Kraj wysyłki:
Wysyłka do:
+26 więcej
Czas wysyłki:
4 dni
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Rekomendowane przez merXu
merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Zabezpiecz płatność do momentu dostawy. Bezpłatnie.
Alternatywne metody płatności:
Karta kredytowa / debetowa
Przelew bankowy
Kod producenta

What's included:

  • inverter Sofar HYD15KTL-3PH

  • smart meter

Distinguishing features of the product:

  • Maximum Efficiency:98,2%

  • Various operating modes

  • Built-in zero power export to the public grid

  • High precision MPPT search algorithm

  • Wide battery voltage range (180-800 V)

  • Fanless heat dissipation system

  • Ability to compensate reactive power

  • Ambient temperature range:-30 +60 degrees C

  • Built-in emergency power supply (EPS).Turn-on time below 20 ms

  • Two batteries can be connected

  • Flexible configuration of lithium-ion batteries

Operation and installation:

  • High-frequency isolation between battery and PV/grid

  • Intelligent active and reactive power monitoring

  • Level of security:IP65

  • Communication RS485/Wi-FI/GPRS/Bluetooth (option), SD, CAN 2.0

  • Polish-language technical support


  • Multiple operating modes can be selected

  • Easy, intuitive operation

  • An intuitive and functional application in Polish

  • High efficiency and low energy losses with low maintenance costs

  • Easy-to-read LCD graphic display

  • Noise level:<45 dB

  • Wymiary: 571.4 x 515 x 264.1 mm

  • Masa: 37 kg

  • 5-letnia warranty as standard

sofa HYD15KTL-3PH has the ability to select the operating mode:

  • Self-use - automatic mode - In automatic mode, the inverter automatically charges and discharges the battery depending on the amount of energy produced in relation to its consumption.

  • Time-of-use Mode – electricity is more expensive during high demand (peak rate) and much cheaper during low demand (off-peak rate).You can set rules for the time of use.Maximum are supported 4 rules (rule 0/1/2/3).To charge the battery You can also select the off-peak period.

  • Timing mode - in this mode, you can manually set the charging time / power and discharge time / battery power.

  • Passive Mode - after connecting the inverter to the grid, you can remotely control the inverter functions using commands.

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