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Drazice OKC 250 NTR/HP dla pomp ciepła DOSTAWA na Słowacji NIE POBIERAMY OPŁAT

Drazice OKC 250 NTR/HP dla pomp ciepła DOSTAWA na Słowacji NIE POBIERAMY OPŁAT

3043,30 zł +VAT
706,56 €
1 szt.
3043,30 zł +VAT
706,56 €
1 ×
706,56 € +VAT
(1 szt.)
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WE DO NOT CHARGE DELIVERY in Slovakia, DISCOUNT after registration...Product description: VOLUME l 234VÝŠKA mm 1535 DIAMETER mm 584MAXIMÁLNA WEIGHT WITHOUT WATER kg 119 MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE IN THE CONTAINER bar 10MAXIMÁLNY OPERATING EXCHANGER PRESSURE bar 10MAXIMÁLNA HEATING WATER TEMPERATURE °C 110MAXIMÁLNA HOT WATER TEMPERATURE °C 80VÝHREVNÁ EXCHANGER AREA m2 2,5 EXCHANGER VOLUME l 17 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASS CSTATIC LOSS W % p11/% Indirectly heated stationary heater OKC 200 (250, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000) NTR/HP is intended for DHW preparation in connection with a heat pump.Reheating can be done with an electric body TJ 6/4“.The heater container is welded from sheet steel and as a whole is protected by enamel that resists hot water.As an additional protection against corrosion, a magnesium anode is installed in the container, which adjusts the electrical potential of the inside of the container and thus reduces the effects of corrosion.Inside the container is welded one spiral heat exchanger made of steel, externally enamelled pipe, and then hot and cold water connection, circulation and thermostat tank.In the lower part of the heater, there is an inspection flange hole for cleaning the inside of the container. Preparation of hot water all year round with heated water from the heat pump. The tube exchanger is intended only for the heating circuit. On the side of the heater there is a cleaning and inspection hole, ending in a flange with a clearance of 110 mm, distance between the screws M8 is 150 mm.The heater is equipped with a G 11“ hole for screwing in an additional heating element.This variant is used when the heater is connected in a system with a heat pump - to reheat the water in the upper part of the heater to the required temperature.The container is insulated with 50 or 60 mm polyurethane foam that does not contain freons, the heater shell is made of plastic. . the cold.Part of ... 2110353Špirala Držice TJ 6/4" 2,5kW insulated with ext. the cold.In part... 2110354Špirala Drazie TJ 6/4" 3,3kW insulated... 2110355Špirala Drazie TJ 6/4" S-2,5kW ext. chl. part, with stykačom...2110361 The heating element is ordered separately, it is not part of the tank. Spiral Dražice TPK 168-8/2,2kW ......Order number: 2110055 - can be mounted in tanks manufactured after 03/2023 only TPK made after 03/2023Špirála Dražice TPK 168-8/3,3kW ......Order number: 2110428 - only TPK made after 03/2023 Spiral Dražice TPK can be installed in tanks made after 03/2023 168-8/3,3kW 1 sump...Order number: 2110434 - only TPKs made after 03/2023 can be installed in tanks made after 03/2023

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