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Omnis Power Cortex 430W N-type

Omnis Power Cortex 430W N-type

Omnis Power
Omnis Power Cortex 430W N-type
€ 148,00 +BTW
1 pc.
€ 148,00 +BTW
1 ×
€ 148,00 +BTW
(1 pc.)
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Omnis Power Cortex 430W N-type

CortexTM series of solar modules by Omnis Power are very powerful which provide the world-class performance. The Cells and raw materials structure design ensures the maximized of sunlight and enhances the reliability. CortexTM includes the most leading technologies of solar cells like PERC, N-Topcon, HJT, and shingled. After years of effort, Cortex is able to increase customer’s vale beyond the efficiency, the performance and durability under real conditions makes our customers succeed no matter in residential or commercial applications.

Higher Efficiency
The leading high efficiency of solar cells ensures the high output powerwhich making it more sufficient in limited space.

Warranty Extended Up To 30 Years
Cortex provide 30 years warranty of product materials and workmanship which is leading the whole industry.

Lower Power Degradation
Ensured PID resistance through cell process and module material control to help harvest more. Cortex is guaranteed ONLY 0.4% annual power degradation in 30 years.

Durability In Extreme Conditions
Cortex is passed the test by salt mist, ammonia and mechanical loads up to 5400pa positive.

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