Huawei 215KTL H0

Huawei 215KTL H0

€ 5.460,00 +BTW
1 ×
€ 5.460,00 +BTW
(1 pc.)
€ 5.460,00
1 pc.
4+ pcs.
€ 5.375,00
1 pc.
8+ pcs.
€ 5.315,00
1 pc.
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The Huawei SUN2000-215KTL-H0 inverter is an inverter designed for installation in a photovoltaic installation, aimed at maximizing the energy efficiency of PV installations mounted both on the roof and on the ground.Thanks to cooperation with power optimizers, it provides up to 30% higher yield from the same PV installation.

The Huawei SUN2000 inverter is designed to work with a three-phase network.It is characterized primarily by a greater ability to protect the photovoltaic installation by targeting damaged DC circuits and detecting the formation of an electric arc (AFCI), thanks to the AI  (artificial intelligence) technology.The maximum efficiency of the Huawei device is up to 98,7%!

Distinguishing features:

  • Maximum efficiency 98,7%

  • % p11/%

    4 MPPT inputs

  • Voltage range wejściowego 200 do 1000 V

  • %p22/ % Works with power optimizers

  • Built-in leakage current monitoring system

  • Intelligent detection of electric arcs reduces the risk of fire % p31/%

  • Ambient temperature range: -25 + 60 degrees C

  • Signaling status LEDs

  • Passive cooling

  • Compatible with Smart Dongle WLAN-FE (WIFI+LAN) %p51 /%

  • Compatible with Smartlogger 3000A

  • 5 manufacturer warranty years

    %p62 /%

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