merXu Protected Payments
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+26 vairāk
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Nodrošiniet savu maksājumu līdz piegādei. bez maksas.
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merXu Pay
merXu Pay
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Elektroniskais pārskaitījums
Ražotāja kods
Like the previous LHG LTE models, this is a last mile-internet solution for situations when even your phone might not have any signal. The new LHG comes with a cutting-edge Category 18 LTE modem – for the fastest mobile internet no matter where you are. This kit supports speeds up to one Gbps! Due to its large high-gain 17 dBi antenna, LHG LTE18 kit can connect to cell towers in extreme rural locations where nothing else is available.

There is a massive heat sink, so you don’t have to worry about overheating. The grid antenna design can withstand harsh, windy weather. And it can be mounted in different ways, including poles and masts.

The LHG LTE18 kit features a 1.2 Gbps CAT18 LTE modem, which enables carrier aggregation and allows the device to use multiple bands at the same time. That is a huge advantage when there are a lot of LTE users in the area. It provides better responsiveness in a crowded environment and higher efficiency for weaker signal situations in the countryside. If you’re competing for traffic in a place with poor connectivity, the new LHG will give you the upper hand. We have seen internet speed doubling in rural areas after switching to carrier aggregation, so there is no need to wait for cable network expansions

There’s a mighty high-gain antenna inside that supports a variety of LTE bands. It goes as high as 2.7 GHz. And it offers extensive low frequency coverage as well. Keep in mind that the device only supports 2x2 DL MIMO as the LHG has only 2 antenna ports. You’ll be using the Gigabit Ethernet port with PoE-in for powering from an ethernet switch. But we’ve included an injector as well. There’s a standard MicroSIM slot for LTE connectivity. And at the heart of this useful gadget, we have a powerful 64 bit dual-core ARM CPU.

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