Fotoelementu panelis ar iebūvētu mikroinvertoru Sunpower Performance 3 AC,375 W, melns

Fotoelementu panelis ar iebūvētu mikroinvertoru Sunpower Performance 3 AC,375 W, melns

Maxeon Sunpower
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Maxeon Sunpower
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Sunpower Performance 3 AC panels with integrated microinverter have the guarantee of a premium product that will meet the most demanding requirements, all at an unbeatable price.And this, with a guarantee that exceeds everything offered by other manufacturers.The new SunPower Performance 3 AC modules with an all-black design combine an improvement between shingle cell technology and the most advanced inverter technology, having also integrated an Enphase IQ 7A. microinverterThe result: an elegant solution, optimized for every roof.SunPower Performance modules combine a lifetime of 35 years with construction and manufacturing experience, resulting in significantly higher reliability than conventional modules.The total warranty of 25 years for this product is proof of a well-made panel.

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