merXu Protected Payments
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Apkures paklājiņš 1,0m2 150W Iesildīšanās

Paklāja platums
50 cm
C.E. ; BEAB Apstiprināts
Strāvas spriegums
220-230V AC 50Hz
10 gadi
Izejas jauda
150 W/m2
Rādīt vairāk
Reģistrēties vai Pieslēgties, lai sāktu iepirkties
Piegādātāja piedāvājums:
Nosūtīšanas valsts:
Galamērķa valstis:
+26 vairāk
Nosūtīšanas laiks:
5 dienas
MerXu ieteiktās maksājumu metodes:
Iesaka merXu
merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Nodrošiniet savu maksājumu līdz piegādei. bez maksas.
Uzzināt vairāk
Alternatīvas maksājumu metodes:
Paklāja platums
50 cm
C.E. ; BEAB Apstiprināts
Strāvas spriegums
220-230V AC 50Hz
10 gadi
Izejas jauda
150 W/m2
Iekšējā izolācija
Savienojuma kabelis
3m , ar vienpusēju barošanu
Ārējā izolācija
Paklāja biezums
3,5 mm

The PVC heating mat is suitable for use under floor finishes such as ceramic tiles, natural stone, stoneware, marble, porcelain, terracotta and limestone.

The PVC heating mat is a product designed for easy and quick installation of underfloor heating only in the layer of mounting adhesive under the floor finish.

To specify  the size of the heating mat we need, we need to determine the usable area for heating.This area corresponds to the total area minus the permanent buildings (bathtub, washing machine, kitchen cabinets, etc.).The size of this surface corresponds to the size of the mat we need in this room.

Step 1: Total room size

Calculate total surface.If the room is generally rectangular in shape, for example as in the image 4 m X 2,7 m, the total area is  = 10,8m².

Krok 2: Calculate the area of ​​permanent buildings

Calculate the area permanent construction such as a bathtub, washbasin (if placed on a cabinet):

Bathtub: 0,9 x 2,7 = 2,43m²

Washbasin + toilet : 1,5 x 0,8 = 1,2m²

The total area of ​​permanent buildings is 3,63m²

%p28 /% Step 3: Determine the heating surface

To calculate the heating surface, we must deduct the building area from the total bathroom area (step 1 – step 2) : 10,8 – 3,63 = 7,17m².

Step 4: Select the appropriate mat size

Taking into account  ;the fact that the mat must be at a distance of at least 5 cm from the walls, and also because we must be able to rotate the mat freely when cutting, the total area should not be greater than 90% of the heated surface.

The maximum heating surface of the mat will be 7,17 x 0,9 = 6,45m², this means that the size of the mat to be selected is 6m² according to the heating mat dimension table.

The system must be controlled by a thermostat

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