Palīdzības centrs
Pirmie soļi par merXu pārdevējam
What is merXu?
Who can use merXu - who can buy and sell?
How much does it cost to use merXu?
Rādīt vairāk (5)
Pirmie soļi par merXu pircējam
Ko es varu iegādāties merXu?
Kas var iegādāties merXu?
Cik maksā merXu lietošana?
Rādīt vairāk (19)
Payments for sellers
Kā aktivizēt tiešsaistes maksājumu metodes?
What does the payment process look like?
Why do I need to provide personal data during the verification process with the online payment operator Adyen?
Rādīt vairāk (15)
Payments for buyers
Kā samaksāt par precēm?
Where can I find information about the status of my purchase payment?
What do the different types of Payment status mean?
Rādīt vairāk (19)
Transaction fees
What are transaction fees on merXu and who pays them?
When is the transaction fee charged?
What is considered as the Transaction for which the transaction fee is charged for?
Rādīt vairāk (2)
Pārdošanas vadība
How to star selling on merXu - step by step guide
Account panel for sellers
Manual listing offers
Rādīt vairāk (27)
International transactions
In which countries does merXu operate?
In which countries will my offer be visible?
How are offers translated?
Rādīt vairāk (6)
Domestic and international transport
Registration in the LUCID - packaging
Bīstamo kravu pārvadājumi
Transport of non-standard goods
Rādīt vairāk (1)
MerXu promotions
CASHBACK: Next Purchase
For Buyers: How to submit your purchase for the Cashback: Next purchase promotion
Payments for sellers
Experience convenient payment methods with merXu. Offer online payment options to your customers.
Kā aktivizēt tiešsaistes maksājumu metodes?
What does the payment process look like?
Why do I need to provide personal data during the verification process with the online payment operator Adyen?
What does a given payment status mean?
How long does it take for the payment to be credited?
How to add bank account in another currency
How much will I pay for using payment method?
Where can I check if the order has been paid?
Where will be the information about completed payments?
Will I receive any notification that the order has been paid (about incoming payment)?
How do I change my withdrawal account number?
[merXu Protected Payments] What is the functionality merXu Protected Payments?
[merXu Protected Payments] What is merXu's role in these transactions?
[merXu Protected Payments] When will I receive the funds deposited by the Buyer?
[merXu Protected Payments] The funds have not yet arrived in my account, can I safely send the goods?
[merXu Protected Payments] Can I deactivate merXu Protected Payments?
[merxu Protected Payments] How much will it cost me?
[merXu Protected Payments] Can I still use the Logistic Assistant?
lv / EUR
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