Palīdzības centrs

Palīdzības centrs

Files uploading

Uploading a file with offers


This method is recommended when adding more offers.

If you have catalogs prepared in one of these formats, you can easily import data from your catalog into merXu.

Go to My merXu → Product catalogue → Upload offers..

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Select the appropriate option to upload the file

You can integrate your product catalog with merXu in several ways.

  • .xls / .csv — you can find it by clicking here. Complete it and upload the file to the platform;
  • Ceneo XML / Google Merchant XML — if you have Ceneo or Google Merchant XML files, you can upload them by yourself via the form;

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File structure in merXu format (.xls, .xlsx or .csv)


Sheet structure

The file should always have the same form.

The first row are the column headings into which the attribute names are entered. That is, for example, the name of the product, weight, country of production and others (some attributes are mandatory).

The following lines are products (one line = one product). A file can contain a maximum of 10,000 rows. If you want to add more products, create and upload more files.

Maintaining the structure will avoid errors and enable proper integration with merXu.

Unnamed (2)

Example of a spreadsheet with product data described according to the merXu standard; (note the variants: name field in additional language, weight unit notation, vat).


Minimum file content

The smallest sheet that will allow you to import a product must contain three columns: the category of the 

  • the supplier code you give to your product - supplier_product_id;
  • product name. – name;
  • the category of the offered product - merxu_category_path or supplier_category_path;

A file with these three attributes will allow the product to be imported, but is not enough to trigger a sale.

To trigger a sale - to make an offer, you need three more mandatory parameters:

  • currency;
  • price;
  • vat;

Each product that you import into merXu must be assigned a unique code that allows us to uniquely identify it, and a name. The offer, on the other hand, must additionally have a price, currency and VAT rate.

You can read about the instructions for creating merXu formats HERE.

You can check list of all atributes HERE.