Palīdzības centrs

Palīdzības centrs

Vacation on merXu - what to do when you are unavailable on merXu for a while

On merXu we don’t have the option to set a "vacation" status. However, if you are planning an extended absence, hide the visibility of your listings for that time.

You will do it in my My merXu > Product Catalogue or click HERE. Select any product, then a box will appear asking you to select all products - click on it. From the list that appears, select deactivate and continue. From this point on, the offers in your account will not be visible on the platform.


  • When integrating with Baselinker, turn off synchronization via the panel on their site for this time. 
  • If you have sent an XML file to us, please email us at, we will pause the data transfer for the time you indicate. 

To make the listings visible again on merXu just follow the same way as for deactivation, but complete the process by clicking activate (instead of deactivate).