Palīdzības centrs

Palīdzības centrs

How to attach .pdf file to a conversation?

We strongly recommend that you attach proforma invoices, invoices and payment confirmations, as well as important documents to the conversation with your business partner. The only suitable format for these documents is PDF. To convert your documents - if necessary - into PDF format, use an online editor tool, or offline the print version of the document, which is always displayed in PDF format.

To attach the PDF file to your conversation with a business partner just go to your account panel by clicking on My merXu > Messages or by clicking HERE, open the conversation you want to attach the PDF file to and: 

1. click on the "attach" button,

 2. select the PDF file, you want to attach and 

3. click the "open" button.

Screenshot (162) Copy

Now the PDF file is attached successfully to your message.

Screenshot (163)

The attached document can of course be downloaded by the recipient. This means, for example, that it is not necessary to send the invoice via e-mail.