Palīdzības centrs

Palīdzības centrs

API merXu

Read this article if you want to insert listings using the API.

Before you start the integration, generate your application access credentials in:
My merXu> Settings> Integration settings> Client credentials: Generate new client credentials


In the client id field, fill in your application name.
This data is generated once for each integration regardless of the number of users or queries executed.
They can be any characters, but remember that they must be unique, that is, you cannot reuse them. 

In the client secret field, enter the password of your choice. It should have at least 8 characters - including a special character, a number, and a capital letter.



After generating the access data, go to the API documentation provided under the merXu API button:


After logging in, you will receive two tokens:

accessToken — a token to be used at each subsequent request for authentication. The token is valid for  30 minutes;

refreshToken — a token used to generate a new accessToken.

API is available in all languages supported by merXu. To receive data in the desired language, use the accept-language header ( — eg. “Accept-language: pl-PL” or “Accept-language: pl”