
Trina Solar 545Wp DE19.W Vertex (mono, pusiau supjaustytas), sidabrinis rėmas

Trina Solar
Gamintojo kodas
Registruotis arba Prisijungti, kad pradėtumėte apsipirkti
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Paskirties šalys:
+26 daugiau
Mokėjimo būdai:
Trina Solar
Gamintojo kodas
High energy efficiency DOUBLE-LAYER MONOCRYSTALLINE MODULE WITH DOUBLE GLASS - Lower LCOE (Levelized Cost Of Energy), reduced BOS (Balance of System) cost, shorter payback time - Lowest guaranteed first year and annual degradation; - Designed for compatibility with existing components - Higher return on investment - Module efficiency up to 21,2% with high interconnect density technology - Multi-busbar technology for improved light capture effect, lower series lower series resistance and better current collection - Minimized micro-cracking thanks to innovative non-destructive cutting technology - PID resistance assured thanks to the cellular process and control module material - Resistance to harsh environmental conditions such as salt, ammonia, sand, high temperature and high humidity - Mechanical performance up to 5400 Pa positive load and 2400 Pa negative load - Excellent IAM parameters (Incident Angle Modier) and low radiation efficiency, confirmed by third-party certificates - Unique design ensures optimized energy production in shaded conditions between rows - Lower temperature coefficient (-0,34%) and operating temperature - Up to 25% additional rear power gain depending on albedo

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