merXu Protected Payments
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Šiaudų granulės, augalų liekanos

Šiaudų granulės, augalų liekanos

Gamintojo kodas
Registruotis arba Prisijungti, kad pradėtumėte apsipirkti
Pasiūlymas iš tiekėjo:
Prisijunkite, kad pradėtumėte apsipirkti
Siuntimo šalis:
Paskirties šalys:
+26 daugiau
Išsiuntimo laikas:
10 dienų
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Rekomenduoja merXu
merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Kredito / debeto kortelė
Banko pavedimas
Gamintojo kodas

Pelletization is the process by which solid fuel/pellet is produced from biomass (the biodegradable part of products, waste and residues from agriculture, including plant and animal matter, forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable part of industrial and urban waste). this technological process requires fuel and equipment, which form the pellet production line: biomass choppers, mixers, pellet dryers, pellet presses and the automatic packing machine.

Biomass feeding is done through a mouth located outside the production hall. A front loader brings the bales and dumps them onto the plant's conveyor belt. The straws are beaten and sifted to remove any foreign bodies, then they are chopped and passed through an oven, where they are very well dried. Once dry, the straws are pressed into cylinders of different diameters. This is how pellets are formed.

The straws are beaten and sifted to remove any foreign bodies, then they are chopped and passed through an oven, where they are very well dried. Once dry, the straws are pressed into cylinders of different diameters. This is how pellets are formed.

We protect the environment by turning vegetable waste into pellets

By producing pellets, our factory contributes to the protection of the environment and the sustainable and ecological use of plant residues.

In this way, tons of waste from the wood industry, such as sawdust, sawdust and shavings, are used, avoiding the cutting of trees and, in addition, the straw is used and transformed into economic fuel or bedding for animals.

Package: Big bag 1Ton

Quantity minimum MOQ- 24T

Price EXW Romania

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