Saulės MPPS valdiklis ir keitiklis vandens šildymui iš fotovoltinių plokščių A-Z Vandens keitiklis 2.0 2,5kW

Saulės MPPS valdiklis ir keitiklis vandens šildymui iš fotovoltinių plokščių A-Z Vandens keitiklis 2.0 2,5kW

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+27 daugiau
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Photovoltaic water heating with A-Z WATER INVERTER  offers efficient direct solar power to the boiler.It is the optimal economic and technical solution for heating water directly from photovoltaics, which does not require large, heavy and expensive technologies.The device automatically adjusts the power according to the set mode and directly feeds the boiler from the energy produced by the solar panels, thereby minimizing losses. To achieve maximum efficiency, the power from the panels is processed using an MPPT regulator, which ensures the optimal operating point and maximum yield of electrical energy.Since the boiler is essentially a purely ohmic load, the produced electrical energy (even from a power exceeding 50 W) is almost immediately converted into heat and heats the water in the boiler.

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