
Nerūdijančio plieno karšto vandens rezervuaras šilumos siurbliams su papildoma STEELflow gyvatėle 180L - OEM BLACK v3

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Discover the exceptional STEELflow 200L - CCS/200HP/S, a premium stainless steel hot water tank designed specifically for heat pump systems. This robust and efficient solution offers a perfect blend of durability, performance, and versatility for your domestic hot water needs.

Key features of the STEELflow 200L - CCS/200HP/S include:

  • Generous 200-liter capacity to meet the hot water demands of most households
  • Constructed from high-quality stainless steel for superior corrosion resistance and longevity
  • Additional coil for enhanced heating capabilities and flexibility
  • Compact dimensions: 1352 mm height and 622 mm diameter, suitable for various installation spaces
  • Lightweight design at just 58 kg, facilitating easier handling and installation
  • Thick insulation (622 mm with insulation) for optimal heat retention and energy efficiency
  • Working pressure of 0.3 MPa, ensuring safe and reliable operation
  • Multiple connection points for versatile system integration:
    • Inlet/outlet: 6/4" (228 mm)
    • Coil height 1: 6/4" (1152 mm)
    • Coil height 2: 6/4" (1551 mm)
    • Temperature sensor connection: 1/2" (651 mm)
    • Coil heating capacity: 5/4" (1772 mm)

The STEELflow 200L - CCS/200HP/S is the ideal choice for homeowners looking to maximize their heat pump system's efficiency while ensuring a constant supply of hot water. Its durable stainless steel construction and additional coil provide exceptional performance and longevity, making it a smart investment for your home's hot water needs. Experience the perfect blend of capacity, efficiency, and reliability with this cutting-edge hot water tank designed to complement your heat pump system.

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