merXu Protected Payments
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JT saulės energijos stiprintuvas TF-100
JT saulės energijos stiprintuvas TF-100
JT saulės energijos stiprintuvas TF-100

JT saulės energijos stiprintuvas TF-100

Jüllich Technology Zrt.
Saulės energijos stiprintuvas
Registruotis arba Prisijungti, kad pradėtumėte apsipirkti
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Paskirties šalys:
+26 daugiau
Išsiuntimo laikas:
5 dienos
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Jüllich Technology Zrt.
Saulės energijos stiprintuvas

JT Solar Booster TF-100
solar power booster module

J significantly increases the power delivered by solar panels. By using it, we reduce the space requirement, since a system needs fewer solar panels due to the significant increase in performance, and the performance of an already existing solar panel system can also be increased , %p5 /% without installing additional solar panels.

The JT Solar Booster is our own, protected development, a patented invention with CE certification.  There is currently nothing similar on the market.

The innovation can be used for both regenerative and isolated solar cell systems. The solar panels are connected to the booster in pairs, i.e. 2 the solar panel includes a JT Solar Booster - TF 100-hoz.

JT Solar Booster-TF100-al has created a device for connecting solar panels to an inverter, the input connections of which are connected to the output of the assigned solar panel or panels and the output of the TF100-as module to the input voltage provides increased DC voltage.The device contains a DC converter producing a stabilized output voltage, the inputs of which are connected to the mentioned input connections, and a voltage-boosting DC-DC converter, whose supply voltage is provided by the regulated DC converter. Overall, by installing the power booster unit, a power increase of about 80-88%-os can be achieved.

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