Huawei maitinimo modulis

Huawei maitinimo modulis

Registruotis arba Prisijungti, kad pradėtumėte apsipirkti

The power supply module LUNA2000-5KW-C0 offers a modular solution tailored to your needs. With 5 kWh and the ability to expand later, the Luna battery is ideal for responding to changing needs. In combination with the optional PV Optimizer, you get a powerful system with high efficiency. The Huawei power supply module LUNA2000-5KW-C0 can be combined with single-phase and three-phase Huawei inverters. The complete modular system is made of the battery modules - LUNA2000-5KW-E0 and the power supply module LUNA2000-5KW-C0 which are stackable together. This allows quick and easy installation.

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