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GROWATT APX 98020-P1 valdiklio modulis + laidas/tinka MOD XH nuo 1 iki 3 baterijos
GROWATT APX 98020-P1 valdiklio modulis + laidas/tinka MOD XH nuo 1 iki 3 baterijos
GROWATT APX 98020-P1 valdiklio modulis + laidas/tinka MOD XH nuo 1 iki 3 baterijos
GROWATT APX 98020-P1 valdiklio modulis + laidas/tinka MOD XH nuo 1 iki 3 baterijos

GROWATT APX 98020-P1 valdiklio modulis + laidas/tinka MOD XH nuo 1 iki 3 baterijos

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Connections  Growatt BMS  (Battery Management System) controller is a device located between the inverter and the battery.Its task is to check the charge status of the cells and to balance them, i.e. to charge the individual cells with the appropriate current and voltage.In the case of photovoltaic systems also intended for energy storage, a BMS is necessary if the inverter does not have a built-in controller.APX BMS controller supports from 1 to 3 APX batteries



  • Flexible power selection from 5.0 kWh to 15.0 kWh
  • BMS controller for 1-3 Growatt APX batteries 5H – designed for Growatt MOD inverters TL3-BP
  • APX LFP (lithium iron phosphate) batteries are cobalt-free and provide excellent safety and reliability
  • Easy installation thanks to modular, stackable design
  • Remote software update
  • Long life, 10 years warranty
  • At least 1 battery + BMS controller
  • APX batteries have a IP65, protection class which ensures longer trouble-free operation indoors and outdoors
  • The batteries have a compact housing (690/185/295mm) and weigh only 50kg
  • APX monitors not only the overall condition of the battery but also the individual cells and provides full protection of the battery system
  • Cell voltage balancing allows for longer battery life
  • Growatt warranty plan

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