Deye HV valdymo blokas GB-LB

Deye HV valdymo blokas GB-LB

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The Deye HV Control Box GB-LBS is a cutting-edge solution for high-voltage battery management in photovoltaic systems. This innovative device offers exceptional performance and reliability for both residential and commercial applications, ensuring optimal energy storage and distribution.

  • Wide Operating Voltage Range: 120 ~ 750Vdc, accommodating various system configurations
  • High Current Capacity: 40A nominal and 50A maximum charge/discharge current
  • Robust Design: IP65 ingress protection for durability in diverse environments
  • Compact Dimensions: 540*385*110mm, facilitating easy installation
  • Compatible with GB-LM4.0 Battery Module:
    • LiFePO4 (LFP) battery technology for enhanced safety and longevity
    • 4.09kWh rated energy capacity per module
    • 102.4Vdc nominal voltage
    • 40A nominal charge/discharge current with 50A peak discharge capability
    • Wide operating temperature range: 0°C ~ 55°C for charging, -20°C ~ 60°C for discharging
  • Expandable System: Includes GB-LBase battery module base for easy expansion
  • Comprehensive Package: Comes with necessary communication and power cables for external device connection

The Deye HV Control Box GB-LBS, combined with the GB-LM4.0 battery module, offers a versatile and efficient energy storage solution for modern photovoltaic systems. Its high-voltage capabilities, robust construction, and advanced features make it an ideal choice for those seeking to maximize their renewable energy potential. Whether you're looking to optimize your home's energy consumption or enhance your commercial property's power management, this system provides the performance and reliability needed to meet your energy storage needs.

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