Trina TSM-DE09R.05 Vertex S 420W tutta nera
Trina TSM-DE09R.05 Vertex S 420W tutta nera
Trina TSM-DE09R.05 Vertex S 420W tutta nera

Trina TSM-DE09R.05 Vertex S 420W tutta nera

Vertex S 210R TSM-DE09R.05 405-425 Watt
  • Produttore: Trina
  • Potenza massima (Pmax): 420 W
  • Colore della montatura: Full black
  • Efficienza del pannello: 21 %
  • Series: Vertex S 210R TSM-DE09R.05 405-425 Watt
Confronta le offerte 4
A partire da
0,124 €
/ Wp
77,70 € +IVA
1 pc.
72.727,20 € +IVA
936 ×
77,70 € +IVA
(936 pz.)
minimo quantità: 936 pz.
Offerta del fornitore:
Accedi per vedere i dettagli del fornitore
Paese di spedizione:
Paesi di destinazione:
+26 di più
Tempo di spedizione:
10 giorni
Metodi di pagamento:
Bonifico bancario
Codice produttore
colore del telaio
colore del modulo
potenza nominale
15 anni

Outstanding Visual Appearance

• Designed with aesthetics in mind

• Excellent cell color control by dedicated cell blackening treatment and

machine selection.

• Thinner wires that appear all black at a distance

Small in size, big on power

• Small form factor. Generate a huge amount of energy even in limited space.

• Up to 425W, 21.3% module efficiency with high density interconnect


• Multi-busbar technology for better light trapping effect, lower series

resistance and improved current collection

• Reduce installation cost with higher power bin and efficieny

• Boost performance in warm weather lower temperature coefficient

(-0.34%) and operating temperature

Universal solution for residential and C&I rooftops

• Designed for compatibility with existing mainstream optimizers, inverters

and mounting systems

• Perfect size and low weight. Easy for handling. Economy for transporting

• Diverse installation solutions. Flexible for system deployment

High Reliability

• 15 year product warranty

• 25 year performance warranty with lowest degradation;

• Minimized micro-cracks with innovative non-destructive cutting technology

• Ensured PID resistance through cell process and module material control

• Mechanical performance up to 6000 Pa positive load and 4000 Pa negative


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