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Risen Energy
Titan S RSM40-8 Black 395-420 Watt
  • Produttore: Risen Energy
  • Potenza massima (Pmax): 410 W
  • Colore della montatura: Nero
  • Tensione massima del sistema: 1500 V
  • Series: Titan S RSM40-8 Black 395-420 Watt
Confronta le offerte 10
A partire da
0,104 €
/ Wp
71,35 € +IVA
27.900,00 HUF
1 pc.
2.568,60 € +IVA
1.004.400,00 HUF
36 ×
27.900,00 HUF +IVA
(36 pz.)
minimo quantità: 36 pz.
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Risen Energy
Codice produttore

Risen Energy 1986-os established Chinese company 2010-től continued as a joint stock company.T.It is one of the large solar panel manufacturers that not only manufactures solar panels, but also solar cells.

Their European headquarters can be found in Germany, so they can be reached at any time within Europe.

Risen solar module production 2021-ben reached the 19,1 GW capacity, with which the world 5. largest solar panel manufacturer.

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