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Pianeta solare ASW13K-LT-G2-Pro

Pianeta solare ASW13K-LT-G2-Pro

  • Produttore: Solplanet
  • Potenza CA nominale: 13000 W
  • Potenza CA massima: 13000 W
  • Efficienza europea: 98.2 %
  • Series: ASW LT-G2
Confronta le offerte 7
A partire da
725,62 €
819,00 € +IVA
1 pc.
819,00 € +IVA
1 ×
819,00 € +IVA
(1 pc.)
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+26 di più
Tempo di spedizione:
2 giorni
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Per saperne di più
Metodi di pagamento alternativi:
Carta di credito / debito
Bonifico bancario
Potenza attiva nominale
Massimo. corrente di uscita
N. di ingressi/stringhe MPPT indipendenti per ingresso MPPT
2 / A:2 ; B:1
Potenza apparente nominale
Massimo. Potenza del campo fotovoltaico
19500wp STC
Massimo. corrente di ingresso operativa
32A / 20A
Massimo. potere apparente
Massimo. corrente di corto circuito
48A / 30A

ASW 3-20K LT-G2 Pro Series

Innovations bring a new benchmark in high-yield inverters

We strive to understand what your needs are. Do you have a particularly high performance high demand application? You will find it easy to recognize the new benchmark we have created in our Pro series. You receive performance with the latest innovations and upgrades that give you flexibility, power and peace of mind

The ASW 3-20K LT-G2 Pro series delivers the latest innovations and upgrades creating a new benchmark for residential, large-scale commercial, industrial decentralized PV systems. With the innovation of larger size wafer-based PV modules, the ASW 3-20K LT-G2 Pro series three-phase inverters are perfectly compatible with other high-power PV modules.

2 independent MPP trackers and up to 32A rated input current per MPPT enable dual unit installation with more flexibility for bi-facial and large area PV modules. A wide MPPT range with 150% oversizing of the PV power array ensures high energy yield and flexibility in nearly every application.

Compact wall mounting with IP66 rated design delivers solid, long term performance against the impact of harsh environments. Our smart cloud-based ASWEI app provides user-friendly tracking wherever you are.

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