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Pannello solare Risen RSM144-7-450M

Pannello solare Risen RSM144-7-450M

Risen Energy
Codice produttore
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Codice produttore
Risen RSM144-7-450MRisen Energy photovoltaic panel is a leading manufacturer of high-performance photovoltaic products.The company, founded in 2010, has had a leading position in the rankings of PV module manufacturers from the very beginning.Risen Energy is a respected supplier of PV industry solutions around the world.The company is one of the pioneers in the solar industry and is recognized as an expert in research and development of new products.The company is one of the most efficient and financially stable manufacturers in the industry.Thanks to the presence on the market and a high status of financial credibility, it is able to provide a high-quality product both for small home installations and dedicated to large-scale projects.

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