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Jolywood JW-HD108N-440 FB

Jolywood JW-HD108N-440 FB

NIWA Black HD108N 415-440 Watt
  • Produttore: Jolywood
  • Classe di protezione: IP-68
  • Potenza massima (Pmax): 440 W
  • Colore della montatura: Full black
  • Series: NIWA Black HD108N 415-440 Watt
Controllare l'offerta
A partire da
0,145 €
/ Wp
2.407,68 € +IVA
36 ×
66,88 € +IVA
(36 pz.)
prezzo base
0,152 €
936+ pz.
0,145 €
minimo quantità: 36 pz.
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Carta di credito / debito
Bonifico bancario
Codice produttore
Efficienza del pannello
22.53 %
Numero di celle
Potenza massima (Pmax)
440 W
Colore del telaio
Nero completo
24.5 kg

High efficiency and high quality half-cell glass-glass modules

Topcon 2.0-Zelltechnologie
The N-TOPCon technology (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) is used in the production of the efficient Jolywood photovoltaic modules.This technology achieves some of the highest levels of efficiency.No previous technology has achieved such a high level of efficiency.Another important advantage is that the N-type silicon used offers greater tolerance to impurities, which in turn reduces production costs.In addition, the N-type silicon technology prevents losses due to LID (light-induced degradation).As a result, the solar cells have no LID, which means that power generation is more efficient than with conventional P-type solar modules. 10-30% more yield
The 30 + X years service life of N-type modules ensures a 10-30% higher power yield compared to conventional P-type modules. ZERO LID (Light Induced Degradation)
N-type solar cells inherently have no LID, which can increase power generation. Lower LCOE (levelized cost of electricity)
Higher bifaciality, higher power yield and lower BOS costs. Higher yield in low light conditions
Higher power output even in low light conditions, such as on cloudy or foggy days. Better temperature coefficient

Higher power generation under working conditions thanks to the passivating contact cell technology.

Expanded application possibilities
More application areas such as BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaics), vertical installation, or in humid, windy and dusty areas.

  • Monocrystalline Bifacial - Glass-Glass - N-Type - Photovoltaic Modules

  • Max.Output power: 440Wp

  • Max.Module efficiency: 22,53%

  • Frame: Anodized aluminum alloy

Width: 113,40 cm

Height: 3,00 cm

Length: 172,20 cm

Technical data

TypeJW HD 108N 440W FB

Maximum system voltage (V)1500V  DC (IEC)

Temperature coefficient of Pmax*
Temperature coefficient of Pmax  ± 0,03%/°C  -0,300 %/°C

Temperature coefficient of Voc -0,250%/°C

Temperature coefficient of Isc +0,045%/°C

Nominal operating temperature of the cell (NOCT)  42 ±  2°C

Frame Anodized aluminum alloy

Number of cells 108 pieces (12x 9)

Cell size 182,00 x 91,00mm

Weight 24,5 kg

Operating temperature range -40°C ... +85°C

Dimensions (W/H/D) 1722mm x 1134mm x 30mm

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