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Fronius Wattpilot Go 22 J 2.0

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Wattpilot Go 22 J 2.0
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Wattpilot Go 22 J 2.0


The Fronius Wattpilot is the electric car charger that always provides the cheapest charging. Not only can it be connected to your own PV system to charge your vehicle with your self-generated solar power – the Fronius Wattpilot always seeks out and charges at the lowest price when used in combination with variable electricity tariffs.


The Fronius Wattpilot comes in two versions and the 11 kW and 22 kW power categories: Home – the fitted charger for use at home – and Go, the transportable solution for when you're on the road. The charger can be operated with ease via the Solar.wattpilot app, which also allows you to choose between Eco and Next Trip mode.

The Fronius Wattpilot supports WLAN standards 802.11 b/g/n in the 2.4 GHz band with WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3.

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