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Dispositivo di accumulo dell'energia fotovoltaica Huawei LUNA2000-5-S0
Dispositivo di accumulo dell'energia fotovoltaica Huawei LUNA2000-5-S0
Dispositivo di accumulo dell'energia fotovoltaica Huawei LUNA2000-5-S0

Dispositivo di accumulo dell'energia fotovoltaica Huawei LUNA2000-5-S0

  • Produttore: Huawei
  • Voltaggio nominale: 450 V
  • Numero di moduli batteria: 1
  • Peso: 62 kg
  • Series: LUNA2000-S0
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2.309,00 €
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Smart String Energy Storage System

Solar Energy for You at Every Moment. With Huawei Smart String Energy Storage System, you can power your life by green power storage and be astonished by its admirable performance. No matter nights, rainy days or unexpected blackouts off the grid, the solar power is always at your request as a real bank.

More Usable Energy - 100% Depth of Discharge and Pack Level Energy Optimization

Flexible Investment - 5kWh Modular Design, Scalable from 5 to 30 kWh

Safe & Reliable - 4-layer Safety Protection, IP66

Easy Installation - 12 kg Power Module, 50 kg Battery Module

Quick Commissioning - Automatically Device Discovery by App

Perfect Compatibility - Compatible to Both Single & Three Phase Inverters

  • Product type: Energy storage
  • Manufacturer: Huawei
  • Model: LUNA2000-5-S0
  • Battery type: LiFePO4, Lithium Iron Phosphate
  • Nominal capacity (Ah): n/a
  • Total energy (kWh): 5
  • Usable energy 90% DOD (kWh): n/a
  • Nominal charge power (kW): n/a
  • Max charge power (kW): n/a
  • Max discharge power (kW): 3.5
  • Scalable: up to 3
  • Cycle life: n/a
  • Warranty (years): 10
  • Item size LxWxH (mm): 670 x 150 x 600
  • Item weight (kg): 63.8

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