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Designed specifically for three-phase electrical systems, this device is perfect for anyone looking to optimize their energy usage and reduce their carbon footprint. With an operating voltage of 3x220V and a current rating of 3x5(63)A, this device is extremely powerful and capable of providing direct communication for your RS485 needs.

Its compact dimensions of 72 x 100 x 65mm make it incredibly easy to install and integrate with your existing equipment. So whether you're looking to monitor your energy usage in real-time or simply keep track of your power consumption, our energy management solution has covered you.

Compatible with VT-6605305/VT 6608305/VT-6610305 devices, this product is ideal for anyone looking to streamline their energy management processes and reduce their overall costs. So why wait? Invest in our energy management solution today and start enjoying the benefits of efficient and cost-effective energy management!

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