Contatore intelligente Huawei 3-phase 1000A DTSU666-H (venduto solo con inverter)

Contatore intelligente Huawei 3-phase 1000A DTSU666-H (venduto solo con inverter)

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Huawei Smart Meter 3 phase DTSU666-H 100A 50mA

Huawei Smart Meter 3 phase % p10/% 1000A 50mA is a three-phase bidirectional meter used for intelligent energy management, with the help of which fast and precise dynamic commands can be made in terms of power supply.

This meter is one that allows energy management through efficient storage solutions, and numerous improvement possibilities can be identified within the photovoltaic system.

It records a load curve of the connection up to 100 A, and thanks to the exact measurements and the way of fast communication through the Modbus RTU interface, an efficient overview of the power consumption is obtained .

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