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BMZ Hyperion HOUSING con BMS Energy storage

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BMZ Hyperion HOUSING with BMS Energy storage

(at this auction you can buy a housing-box with a BMS management module, for the proper functioning of the energy storage, modules (batteries) are needed, also available from us)

Dimensions L: 751 mm B: 423 mm H: 870 mm

Weight 41.0 kg

Properties of the BMZ energy module - MODULARITY / SCALABILITY

This means that the BMZ energy storage is in 100% prepared for expansion, up to 6 modules, which gives 15kWh real power!


BMZ batteries are manufactured in Germany with attention to every element , and with all necessary certificates


(in the case of connecting the BMZ energy storage with inverters supporting the emergency power supply function)

Possibility of using BMZ batteries

- Industry

- Electric mobility

- Drive systems

- Energy storage systems

- Medicine

- Power tools and gardening tools

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