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Aiko Solar 445W Full Black, Acquista pannelli solari in Europa

Codice produttore
Aiko 445w All Black
Nero pieno
ABC di tipo N
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Offerta del fornitore:
Codice produttore
Aiko 445w All Black
Nero pieno
ABC di tipo N

Aiko Solar N-type ABC Series solar panels are the cutting edge in photovoltaic technology, standing out for their exceptional design and performance. In 2023 they were awarded the Innovative Solar Technology Award at Intersolar. The innovative ABC (All Back Contact) technology of Aiko panels maximizes power conversion and efficiency, reaching up to 22.8% in the 445W modules. Furthermore, its degradation rate is, in the first year, less than 1%, and over the next 30 years, it is 0.35%.

  • All Back Contact Technology (ABC)

  • Efficiency of 22.8%

  • Lower BOS

  • Lower temperature coeficient: -0,26%/ºC

  • Dimensions: 1722*1134*35mm

  • Product warranty: 15 years

  • Power warranty: 30 years

LM8 Solar is a global wholesale distribution company for solar photovoltaic material. With extensive experience in the sector, we are specialized in the sale of solar panels, inverters, batteries and structures from the best brands. In addition, we have a specialized technical team available to answer any questions about your installation or the equipment. We support our clients throughout the entire process, from purchase to project implementation.

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