XPSMCMCN0000SG Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

XPSMCMCN0000SG Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
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EAN kód
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Schneider Electric part number XPSMCMCN0000SG. This Modicon MCM backplane expansion connector is used to connect the various expansion modules to the safety controller CPU. This backplane connector provides a safe communication between safe expansion components and the safety controller CPU. its connectors are 1 male + 1 female connectors, 5-pin for rear panel plug-in connector. It weighs 0.01kg. The modular safety controllers Modicon MCM are certified by TüV SÜD meeting the industrial safety standards of Category 4, PL e according to EN/ISO 13849-1 and SILCL 3 according to IEC/EN 61508 and IEC/EN 60261. This single backplane expansion connector is compatible with the expansion modules and the safety controllers CPU. The backplane expansion connector instals Omega 35 mm DIN rail conforming to IEC 60715. The Modicon MCM modular safety controller system provide flexibility and scalability from 8 inputs, 2 dual/4 single channel outputs up to 128 inputs, 16 dual/32 single channel outputs, up to 32 or 48 diagnostic status outputs. Modicon MCM modular safety controller system are designed to monitor multiple safety functions on and around a machine to minimise the risk of people accessing the dangerous moving parts of the machine.

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