XBTGT5230 Schneider Electric - Felújított

XBTGT5230 Schneider Electric - Felújított

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
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Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
Schneider Electric part number XBTGT5230. The XBTGT5230 is an advanced industrial automation product from Schneider Electric, designed to provide optimal performance and flexibility in demanding industrial settings. This component features a high-resolution 12.1-inch touchscreen display, which delivers sharp and clear visual feedback to operators. Its powerful Intel Atom processor ensures smooth and reliable operation, while the built-in Ethernet and USB ports allow for seamless connectivity to other devices and networks. The XBTGT5230 also supports a range of industrial protocols, including Modbus, Profibus, and CANopen, making it compatible with a wide range of industrial applications. With its rugged construction, intuitive interface, and advanced features, the XBTGT5230 is an ideal solution for industrial automation projects that require high performance and durability.

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