Biztonsági mentés box-B0 Biztonsági mentési rendszer
Biztonsági mentés box-B0 Biztonsági mentési rendszer
Biztonsági mentés box-B0 Biztonsági mentési rendszer
Biztonsági mentés box-B0 Biztonsági mentési rendszer
Biztonsági mentés box-B0 Biztonsági mentési rendszer

Biztonsági mentés box-B0 Biztonsági mentési rendszer

Gyártói kód
Back-up box-B0
2 Évek
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Gyártói kód
Back-up box-B0
2 Évek

The Huawei Backup Box-B0 facilitates the independent operation of Huawei SUN2000 (L1) single-phase inverters with LUNA2000 batteries.
In case of power interruptions, the Backup Box directs energy from the photovoltaic panels and batteries to a defined group of emergency consumers (backup solution).
The maximum delivered power is 5.0 kW.
After the power network is restored, the supply will be redirected entirely to the other consumers.

Huawei Backup Box-B0 for single-phase home network ensures that your load is powered even in the event of a power failure. In combination with the L1 series of inverters, the spare box allows emergency power operation in the event of a mains failure. Installing and operating the Backup Box for solar systems is very simple. The device simply supports communication with the inverter via a digital input.
On-site installation is simple and safe. The device is protected against weathering and environmental influences on site according to IP65. It can be operated in the range of -20 ° C to + 45 ° C - in other words, in almost any installation. The dimensions of 400 x 350 x 130 mm are compact, so there are no space issues. The whole device weighs 11 kg. The single-phase output power of the B0 variant is 5,000 VA.

  • Single-phase network connection

  • Rated voltage 220 V / 230 V

  • Maximum apparent power 5000 V.

  • SUN2000-2 / 3 / 3.68 / 4 / 4.6 / 5 / 6KTL-L1 compatible inverter

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