Otkrivanje potencijala JA Solar - Kvalitetan izbor u obnovljivoj energiji
JA Solar - A Global Leader in Photovoltaics
JA Solar stands as one of the most recognizable manufacturers of photovoltaic panels worldwide. Originating from China, the company has gained the trust of customers globally due to its excellent quality, efficiency, and reliability. Presently, JA Solar has 9 factories in China, one in Malaysia, and another in Vietnam, making them one of the largest producers of monocrystalline cell panels in the world.
Their extensive range includes bifacial panels, half-cut monocrystalline panels, as well as standard panels with full mono and polycrystalline cells. As such, they are suitable for both large-scale solar farms and standard residential installations.
Resistance to Threats - JA Solar Module Series
JA Solar panels are known for their high resistance to various environmental hazards. Tests conducted by institutes such as PVEL confirm their durability against temperature changes, humidity, microcracks, and potential-induced degradation (PID). JA Solar offers panels with varying levels of resistance, starting from standard, through high, up to very high resistance, as confirmed in PVEL tests. It is worth noting that JA Solar is one of the few Chinese panel manufacturers that has achieved stable financial results, further reinforcing trust in the brand.
JA Solar - Globalni lider u fotovoltaici
JA Solar je jedan od najprepoznatljivijih proizvođača fotovoltačkih panela na svijetu. Potječući iz Kine, tvrtka je stekla povjerenje kupaca diljem svijeta zahvaljujući svojoj izvrsnoj kvaliteti, učinkovitosti i pouzdanosti. Trenutno, JA Solar ima 9 tvornica u Kini, jednu u Maleziji i još jednu u Vijetnamu, što ih čini jednim od najvećih proizvođača monokristalnih solarnih panela na svijetu.
Njihov široki asortiman uključuje bifacijalne panele, polovično rezane monokristalne panele, kao i standardne panele s punim mono i polikristalnim ćelijama. Stoga su prikladni za velike solarne farme kao i standardne rezidencijalne instalacije.
Otpornost na prijetnje - Serija modula JA Solar
Paneli JA Solar poznati su po visokoj otpornosti na različite ekološke opasnosti. Testovi provedeni od strane instituta poput PVEL-a potvrđuju njihovu izdržljivost protiv promjena temperature, vlage, mikropukotina i potencijalno inducirane degradacije (PID). JA Solar nudi panele s različitim stupnjevima otpornosti, počevši od standardne, preko visoke, do vrlo visoke otpornosti, kako je potvrđeno u PVEL testovima. Vrijedno je napomenuti da je JA Solar jedan od rijetkih kineskih proizvođača panela koji je postigao stabilne financijske rezultate, dodatno jačajući povjerenje u brend
JA Solar - A Consistent Top Performer in Photovoltaic Modules
For the eighth time, JA Solar has been recognized as the best supplier of photovoltaic modules by PVEL (PV Evolution Labs), a leading independent testing laboratory in the solar industry. Their high-quality photovoltaic modules have earned them the prestigious title of "Top Performer."
The evaluation for the "Top Performer" modules is based on the Photovoltaic Module Qualification Plus (PQP) program over the past 18 months, which includes rigorous testing with higher requirements than the IEC certification standards. The reliability tests cover a range of factors, such as thermal cycling (TC600), damp heat (DH2000), mechanical stress sequence (MSS), light-induced degradation (LID), light- and elevated temperature-induced degradation (LeTID), and performance testing under PAN conditions. These comprehensive assessments ensure the reliability and efficiency of photovoltaic modules in energy production processes. The PQP tests are more stringent in terms of conditions and testing sequences, offering solid references for financing entities, developers, and operators in selecting high-quality modules with long-term reliability.
JA Solar's commitment to innovation, research, and development in photovoltaic technology has earned them recognition and appreciation from global users. The company has been consistently rated as the best brand in the photovoltaic sector by EUPD Research in multiple regions worldwide, including Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Receiving the "Top Performer" title once again for the best photovoltaic module supplier further confirms the technical excellence and high quality of JA Solar's products, establishing their reputation for long-term reliability and performance in energy production processes.
Top ponude
JA Solar JAM54D41 445/LB 445W High Efficiency Mono Bifacial Full Black (kontejner)
JA SOLAR JAM54D40 BIFACIAL 435W GB Crni okvir MC4 (N-tip)
Zaključci su jasni - fotovoltački paneli JA Solar ne samo da su visokokvalitetni, već pružaju i izvrsne performanse, pouzdanost i isplativost. Njihova velika otpornost na različite okolišne prijetnje, brojne nagrade i priznanja u PVEL testovima potvrđuju njihovu poziciju kao lidera u industriji.
Osim toga, JA Solar je pouzdani brand, podržan financijskom stabilnošću i veličinom tvrtke, što ih svrstava među 10 najvećih proizvođača fotovoltaičkih panela na svijetu.
Ako tražite dokazana i učinkovita fotovoltaička rješenja, JA Solar paneli su izvrsan izbor. Možete biti sigurni da će ulaganje u proizvode JA Solar pružiti trajna i učinkovita rješenja za obnovljivu energiju.
Za više informacija i kupnju solarnih panela JA Solar, posjetite međunarodnu B2B trgovačku platformu merXu.com. Tamo ćete pronaći širok izbor JA Solar proizvoda i mnogo drugih fotovoltaičkih rješenja koja zadovoljavaju vaše potrebe. Odaberite kvalitetu i inovativne tehnologije odabirom solarnih panela JA Solar na merXu.com - vašoj međunarodnoj trgovačkoj platformi za pouzdane i inovativne energetske proizvode
Ovaj članak je napisan 18. srpnja 2023
Izvor: Fotowoltaika Online