
PVEL: Predvodeći testiranje performansi i terenske usluge u PV industriji

Fotovoltačka (PV) industrija doživjela je izvanredan rast u posljednjim godinama, potaknuta povećanom globalnom potražnjom za čistim i održivim energetskim rješenjima. Kako solarna energija nastavlja dobivati na važnosti kao pouzdana i isplativa alternativa tradicionalnim izvorima energije, potreba za preciznim i pouzdanim testiranjem performansi i terenskim uslugama postaje ključna. Ovdje se PVEL (Photovoltaic Evolution Laboratory) ističe kao pionir, pružajući PV industriji neophodne usluge koje osiguravaju učinkovitost, pouzdanost i dugovječnost solarnih energetskih sustava

Uloga PVEL-a u PV industriji

PVEL je učvrstio svoju poziciju kao vodeći pružatelj usluga testiranja performansi i terenskih usluga unutar PV industrije. Osnovan od strane tima stručnjaka duboko predanih napretku solarne tehnologije, glavna misija tvrtke usredotočena je na otključavanje punog potencijala fotovoltačkih sustava. Iskorištavajući najnoviju tehnologiju, inovativne metodologije i najbolje prakse u industriji, PVEL je bio presudan u ubrzavanju primjene i prihvaćanja solarne energije diljem svijeta.Kompletni skup usluga tvrtke obrađuje kritične aspekte performansi PV sustava, od ranih faza istraživanja i razvoja do stalnog rada i održavanja postojećih instalacija. Angažiranost PVEL-a proteže se kroz brojne dionike u solarnom ekosustavu, uključujući proizvođače, razvijatelje projekata, investitore i upravitelje imovine, osiguravajući da svaki dobije prilagođene i točne uvide za donošenje informiranih odluka

PVEL's Performance Testing Services

PVEL's performance testing services are an essential component of the PV industry, assuring the quality and reliability of solar modules and inverters. Leveraging state-of-the-art testing facilities and industry standards, PVEL rigorously evaluates the performance of PV technologies under various real-world conditions. This includes analyzing the modules' efficiency, durability, and safety, allowing manufacturers to make data-driven design improvements and providing investors with valuable risk assessment information.

By conducting independent, third-party performance testing, PVEL plays a crucial role in maintaining consumer confidence in solar products. The company's unbiased and objective evaluations offer a reliable benchmark for industry stakeholders, helping them choose the most efficient and bankable PV solutions for their projects.

PVEL's Field Services

In addition to performance testing, PVEL is renowned for its comprehensive field services, which are vital for the ongoing health and optimal operation of PV installations. The company's team of highly skilled technicians and engineers conducts thorough inspections, monitoring, and analysis of existing solar projects to identify potential issues and optimization opportunities.

Through these field services, PVEL assists project owners and operators in maximizing their energy output, minimizing downtime, and ensuring a high return on investment. By proactively identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks, the company contributes significantly to the long-term success and sustainability of solar installations.

Ranking of Photovoltaic Panels Based on PVEL's Testing

Institut PV Evolution Lab (PVEL) has been subjecting photovoltaic panels to significantly more challenging tests than those required for certification since 2014. Panels that withstand such rigorous tests while retaining nearly 100% of their power are awarded the prestigious "Top Performer" recognition by PVEL. To participate in the tests, each manufacturer had to submit two samples of each module variant sold under the same designation. The "Top Performer" status was determined based on the average results. It's no wonder that this recognition is widely regarded as the most prestigious accolade in the industry.

The 2023 Top Performers: Leading the Way in Solar Panel Reliability

Brands available on merXu

Manufacturer Model types
















Trina SolarTSM-xxxDE19

Trina SolarTSM-xxxDE21

Trina SolarTSM-xxxDEG19C.20

Trina SolarTSM-xxxDEG21C.20

Trina SolarTSM-xxxNEG19RC.20

JA SolarJAM54S30-xxx/MR

JA SolarJAM54S31-xxx/MR

JA SolarJAM72D30-xxx/GB

JA SolarJAM72D30-xxx/MB

JA SolarJAM72S30-xxx/MR

Canadian SolarCS3N-xxxMS

Canadian SolarCS3W-xxxMS

The list provided above consists of the photovoltaic panels that have successfully passed PVEL's rigorous reliability tests. These panels have been recognized as "Top Performers" by PVEL, signifying their exceptional efficiency and durability, making them a preferred choice for solar energy projects.

With the photovoltaic industry constantly evolving, PVEL's ongoing dedication to excellence and its commitment to transparency continue to elevate the standards of PV technology worldwide. As the demand for sustainable and clean energy solutions grows, PVEL's role as a trusted independent evaluator remains crucial in supporting the growth of the solar energy sector and building a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.


PVEL se nalazi na čelu PV industrije, pružajući nezamjenjive usluge ispitivanja performansi i terenskih usluga. Njihova napredna tehnologija i rigorozne evaluacije osiguravaju učinkovitost i dugovječnost solarnih sustava širom svijeta. S obvezom prema izvrsnosti i transparentnosti, PVEL ovlašćuje proizvođače, razvijatelje projekata i investitore da donose informirane odluke. Prestižno priznanje i rangiranje "Top Performer" potvrđuje pouzdanost i učinkovitost PV panela, utvrđujući ključnu ulogu PVEL-a u poticanju globalnog prijelaza na čistije i održive energetske rješenja

Ovaj članak je napisan 18. srpnja 2023

Izvor: Fotowoltaika Online