
TRINA VRH S TSM-400DE09.08 - 400 WP (BFR, EVO2)

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Sets the standards for quality and efficiency in the industry - Trina Solar breaks records.One of the first Chinese photovoltaic companies, Trina is now one of the world leaders in the production of photovoltaic modules.Seven times in a row, the supplier of high-quality products broke the world record for solar cell efficiency in the same year and together set 16 world records for module efficiency and performance.Already the 1300 of the filed photovoltaic patents additionally proves: Trina is a leader in research and development in the industry - constantly supporting the development of photovoltaics and introducing new technologies.And the best thing: the products of this supplier are distinguished by an excellent price-quality ratio.

Manufacturer: TRINA

Dimensions:  1096 x 30 x 1754 [mm]

0 Power:

1 [W]


3 Cable length:

4 [mb]


6 Number of links:



9 Weight:

0 [kg]


2 Frame color: & nbsp; Black


4 Module thickness:

5 [mm]


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