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SOFARSOLAR 5.5KTLX-G3 will be a new and improved version of the most popular, reliable, fast and easy to install
two-speed SOFAR series of PV inverters.With a wide voltage range and maximum efficiency up to 98,6%,
1,1-krotnemu continuous output overload, maximum DC input voltage up to 1100V, SOFARSOLAR 5.5KTL-X inverters are not only easy to install and configure, but also powerful.Innovative
solutions implemented in these products, such as low starting voltage, wide MPPT voltage, IV curve shadow scan
with intelligent thrust level monitoring to increase power generation revenue,
adjustable refresh time MPPT scanning, a wide range of monitoring options, make them the perfect choice
for 3-fazowych home and small commercial PV installations.
With IP65,-rated cast gasket, sound and light alarm function and built-in SPD type II
for both DC and AC, over / under voltage, over current, over temperature and more
multiple protections, is a reliable and stable source of electricity from the sun

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