K502 Struktura tla 6 moduli
K502 Struktura tla 6 moduli
K502 Struktura tla 6 moduli
K502 Struktura tla 6 moduli
K502 Struktura tla 6 moduli

K502 Struktura tla 6 moduli

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K502 XL Ground Photovoltaic Structure for 6 Panels

The K502 structure, designed for 6 photovoltaic panels, is designed to adapt to various dimensions and types of solar panels. It offers three types of models: K502 Pion for modules with a height of 1600 to 1750 mm, K502 Max Pion for modules from 1600 to 2020 mm and K502 XL Pion for modules with a height of 2020 to 2200 mm. Providing detailed dimensions of the panels, such as length, width, frame thickness and color of the clamps, is necessary when placing an order so that our specialists can select the most appropriate structure.

The K502 series structures are finished with a Magnelis coating, which gives them exceptional strength and a long service life, with an expected service life of more than 30 years. Tested and having all the required certificates, they guarantee safety and reliability. The K502 6-panel ground structure is an ideal solution for smaller residential installations as well as small commercial projects, offering stability and energy efficiency as well as long-term solar energy utilization.

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