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Growatt MOD 8000TL3-XH BACK UP (AFCI) (10 godina jamstva)

Growatt MOD 8000TL3-XH BACK UP (AFCI) (10 godina jamstva)

MOD 3000-10000TL3-XH
  • Proizvođač: Growatt
  • Nazivna AC snaga: 8000 W
  • Broj faza: Tri
  • Broj MPPT-ova: 2
  • Series: MOD 3000-10000TL3-XH
Usporedi 7 ponuda
S početkom u
937,13 €
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Growatt MOD 8000TL3-XH BACK UP (AFCI) (10 years warranty)

Growatt Three phase MOD XH BP Solution offers a seamless backup function with an impressive switching time of less than 500ms, ensuring uninterrupted power supply during critical moments. This versatile solution is compatible with both ARK and APX batteries, providing flexibility and reliability.

When paired with ARK batteries, the inverter functions as the standard MOD XH, delivering efficient and reliable power conversion. The system operates optimally, meeting your everyday energy needs with ease.

With APX batteries, the Growatt MOD XH inverter unlocks its backup function capabilities. In the event of a power outage or grid failure, the system seamlessly switches to backup mode, ensuring continuous power supply to your essential appliances and devices. With the swift switching time of less than 500ms, the transition is nearly instantaneous, minimizing any disruptions or inconvenience.

The compatibility with ARK and APX batteries offers you a range of options to suit your specific requirements. Whether you prioritize extended backup duration or higher power output, the Growatt MOD XH BP Solution allows you to customize your energy storage system accordingly.

In addition to its exceptional backup capabilities, the Growatt MOD XH BP Solution is backed by Growatt’s renowned expertise and reliability. With robust engineering and stringent quality control, you can trust in the system’s durability and performance.

Embrace uninterrupted power with the Growatt MOD XH BP Solution. Experience the peace of mind that comes with reliable backup capabilities and swift switching times. Invest in a solution that seamlessly adapts to your energy needs and safeguards your power supply, even in challenging situations. Choose Growatt MOD XH BP Solution and stay powered, no matter what.

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