
Meyer Burger : Une entreprise avec des panneaux photovoltaïques innovants

Qu'est-ce que Meyer Burger?

Meyer Burger est une entreprise de fabrication réputée située en Suisse, spécialisée dans la production de panneaux photovoltaïques et de machines pour la fabrication photovoltaïque. Ils sont connus pour leurs technologies de pointe, y compris les cellules solaires HJT (Heterojunction), la technologie SmartWire et la construction verre-verre. Ces innovations contribuent à une efficacité plus élevée, une résistance accrue aux micro-fissures et une durée de vie prolongée du panneau

Reliability - Warranty and Innovative Technologies

When evaluating the reliability of photovoltaic panels, it is essential to consider the warranties, the manufacturer's experience, and the module's construction. Meyer Burger stands out with a remarkable 25-year product warranty for glass-backsheet modules and an impressive 30-year warranty for glass-glass modules. This demonstrates the company's confidence in the durability and performance of their products.

Furthermore, in the event of any defects, Meyer Burger not only provides replacement modules but also covers the costs associated with their exchange. This approach speaks volumes about the company's commitment to customer satisfaction.

Performance - Meyer Burger Photovoltaic Panels in Real-Life Conditions

The performance of photovoltaic panels is a crucial factor in determining energy production. Meyer Burger's panels excel in real-life conditions. Their HJT technology combines thin layers of amorphous and crystalline silicon, providing both high power output and enhanced performance in high-temperature conditions.

The power warranty of 90.75% after 30 years ensures that these modules maintain high efficiency over an extended period. Meyer Burger's 30-year warranty further instills confidence in the exceptional performance of their panels.

Credibility - European Roots and Vertical Integration

The fact that Meyer Burger hails from Switzerland and is backed by Meyer Burger (Industries) GmbH, the German branch of the company, adds to its credibility. European manufacturers often prioritize customer satisfaction and honor warranties throughout their duration. In case of any disputes, customers have recourse to independent European courts.

As a vertically integrated company, Meyer Burger independently manufactures its photovoltaic cells at its Thalheim facility. Having previously produced diamond wire saws for silicon wafer cutting, the company possesses in-depth expertise in the entire production process. Additionally, the use of German facilities formerly owned by SolarWorld, a former world-leading photovoltaic company, means that Meyer Burger's workforce has considerable experience in the industry.

Sustainable Development - Ecology and Social Responsibility

Meyer Burger actively invests in sustainable development and environmentally-friendly practices. Production exclusively takes place in Germany, minimizing its ecological footprint. The company adheres to stringent sustainability standards, avoiding lead usage and reducing the consumption of solvents. Moreover, Meyer Burger ensures that its modules can be recycled in accordance with the principles of a closed-loop economy.

The company's commitment to responsible manufacturing extends beyond production. Meyer Burger takes back all its modules withdrawn from use, recycling materials such as glass, aluminum, plastics, and silicon to return them to the resource cycle.

Cost-effectiveness - Balancing Quality and PriceI

In the context of fluctuating global prices for photovoltaic modules, Meyer Burger's pricing strategy remains competitive. Thanks to their self-production of solar cells and partial reliance on local European suppliers, the company avoids sudden spikes in raw material costs, offering reasonable prices for premium-quality panels.

Meyer Burger Module Series - Tailored Choices for Different Preferences

Meyer Burger offers various series of photovoltaic panels to cater to diverse customer needs:

  • Meyer Burger Glass: Flagship modules with a 30-year warranty, utilizing HJT technology, glass-glass construction, and double-sided solar cells for enhanced energy production.

  • Meyer Burger White: A cost-effective option with a 25-year product warranty, perfect for those seeking a swift return on investment without compromising on quality.

  • Meyer Burger Black: Similar to the White series technologically, these all-black modules add an elegant touch to rooftops, though at a slightly higher price due to the use of stronger solar cells.

Meilleures offres

En résumé, Meyer Burger offre un choix convaincant pour ceux qui recherchent des panneaux photovoltaïques innovants et fiables. L'engagement de l'entreprise envers la durabilité, la transparence et la satisfaction du client, combiné à leurs technologies de pointe, les positionne comme un acteur majeur dans l'industrie de l'énergie solaire