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Pompe à chaleur Atlantic A-split EXCELIA TRI DUO 11KW + ECS 190 + BUFFER 16

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Contact number for heat pumps: 574-022-422  Atlantic A-split EXCELIA TRI DUO heat pump 11KW + HUW 190 + BUFFER 16 Air energy is renewable and reliable energy High efficiency and advanced technologies, as well as a built-in hot water tank. with a capacity of 190 liters, enclosed in a compact housing.Indoor module This module is installed inside the building.It consists of a buffer tank inside which there is a patented heating exchanger with a built-in set of heaters with a total power of up to 9 kW.The advanced control panel programmer allows you to manage multiple heating circuits and device operating parameters.External module This module is mounted outside the building.It consists of a fan, compressor, evaporator and expansion valve. The entire module is acoustically and thermally insulated.The automatic control of its operation (VPAM) enables smooth operation of the compressor using 10-stopniowego of the power modulation system.Thanks to the latest technical solutions, the external module is characterized by very quiet operation, generating noise at the level of about 46 dB.

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