Verkkoon kytketty invertteri, yksivaiheinen, MIN 6000 TL-XE, Growatt

Verkkoon kytketty invertteri, yksivaiheinen, MIN 6000 TL-XE, Growatt

Valmistajan koodi
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Valmistajan koodi
The On-grid Single-phase inverter is a device that transforms alternating current into direct current, connecting directly to the electricity network. This type of inverter is connected without the need for batteries and injects into the network the surplus energy produced by the photovoltaic panels.At the same time, it can import energy from the network in case of overconsumption. The inverter can only be used in spaces where there is a connection to the network.In the event of interruptions in the operation of the national grid, the on-grid inverters will also stop photovoltaic production. The on-grid photovoltaic system represents one of the most efficient solutions for converting solar energy into electricity.On-grid photovoltaic systems are not provided with product energy storage elements (eg batteries).

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